Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Product Review: Tim Tam Original Cookies

Tim Tams are the most amazing cookie ever created on this earth. Just bite off both ends and suck a hot drink through it (coffee or my all time favorite, hot chocolate ;) It is a biscuit... Tastes more like a chocolate bar, and has calories to match. Little pricey but they're really good worth $$$. Only one at a time is all you need to feel satisfied. 
As you can see, I had some friends over for tea.
No Tim Tam left ;D Great sign everyone loved them ;))

**Look for Arnott’s Tim Tam Original cookies in Target stores nationwide for a suggested price of $3.29. The Chewy Caramel variety is also available in select stores. Happy cookie hunting! **

---->>Got this Free from Tim Tam & BzzAgent <<----

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